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- Written by: Gerry, KG8RRY
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 3666
Are you considering becoming a Ham Operator?
Becoming a Ham Operator has several advantages, such as:
Emergency Communications: During natural disasters or emergencies, amateur radio operators can provide communication when traditional communication methods are down.
Technology: It is a great way to get hands-on experience with radio and communication technology.
Ham radio operators can join clubs or groups where they can meet like-minded people and participate in events and contests.
Personal Development: It also builds skills such as communication, problem-solving, and technical expertise.
Amateur Radio is an exciting hobby that continues to grow in popularity. It provides opportunities for personal growth, education, and building relationships with people all over the world.
Join the Massillon Amateur Radio Club on the first Friday of each month for our monthly get together! And for more information about our club visit our Facebook page or email:
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 4374
Grateful Appreciation
As we reflect over the past year that has flown by, it never hurts to take stock and reflect on all that has taken place.
While the journey may have been different for each and every one of us, the one constant that brings us together is our love and enjoyment of amateur radio and all that it has to offer.
While this passion and fulfillment may have come from a shiny new rig or an upgraded license, realize the one element that cannot be overlooked and also remains constant is our involvement with people from all walks of life.
Every individual has their own imperfect story to tell as they are experiencing different stages of their own personal journeys. Just as we spin the dial from end-to-end, one never knows who the voice (person) may be on the other end. Sometimes the signals are booming and the results are easy to see and hear. Yet, at times, that one small “voice” in the crowd, when you listen closely, can be a life-changing phenomena that makes all the difference in the world. YOU are that special ingredient that makes all the difference!
MARC continues to strive to enthusiastically welcome everyone with open arms, regardless of the “level” at which you have arrived. We continue to listen and learn from all of you, as well as respect the experience and wisdom of the past. When all of this is added to the mix, it can’t help but add to the success of MARC.
As we enter our 98th year, we never take lightly that this success has stemmed from nearly a century of dedicated effort by so many special people. YOU have made this journey possible, and 2024 has been no different. To our newest members and friends who are joining this grand adventure, YOU will help us continue to move forward with the same enthusiasm and hope for the future.
Reflect and be proud of how far you have come. Celebrate the new friendships and new beginnings and hold on to what has brought us all to this point. 2025 promises to be an exciting year. We are delighted to share this journey together with all of YOU!
Let’s begin 2025 by gathering on January 18th (Sat.) for a wonderful evening of food and fellowship at MARC’s Annual Appreciation Banquet. Even if you haven’t “darkened the door” in some time everyone is invited to kick off the new year with us.
Visitors are certainly welcome. No questions asked. No strings attached. $10.00 bucks gets you in the door (details in this issue of Feedback). Join the excitement and celebrate being a part of the MARC Family.
The Best is Always Yet to Come!
Don Rankl – N8IVJ
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- Written by: KG8RRY
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 3775
MARC is recognized by the ARRL as a Special Service Club (SSC). You may be wondering, “What is an SSC, and how does this affect me?”
What is a Special Service Club?
A club that exists to go above and beyond for their communities and for Amateur Radio is what defines a Special Service Club (SSC). They are the leaders in their Amateur Radio communities who provide active training classes, publicity programs, and actively pursue technical projects and operating activities.
What about MARC?
As an ARRL Special Service Club, we have met our agreement to develop our skills in specified areas during the past two years in accordance with the guidelines in the ARRL SSC Active Club On-Line Primer.
We have worked closely with our Affiliated Club Coordinator throughout the year to develop these skills. We schedule regular, active training classes to help prospective hams study to pass their required FCC license testing. We have a recently improved publicity program to educate the community with regards to our function.
We have club members who actively pursue technical projects and operating activities. We sponsor and participate in important ARRL and hobby related events such as Field Day.
Bottom Line
How can MARC assist you in your ham radio journey? Let us know by sending us a note at:
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 5399
Here is our MARC Club newsletter, The FEEDBACK.
January | |||||
January | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | Nov/December |
None | None | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | November | December |
Jan | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | November | December |
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 4109
MARC Club Net Manager- Evan Rankl, KE8IDH
Stark County DMR Net - Held on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm on the W8NP repeaters located in Massillon and Alliance Talk Group 313989 Time slot 1.
Statewide DMR Net - Held on Monday evenings at 8:30 pm using the statewide Talk Group 3139.
Stark County ARES Net - Held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm on the N8ATZ repeater 147.120 MHz with a pl of 110.9
Alliance Amateur Radio Club Net - Held on Thursday evenings at 9 pm on the W8LKY Repeater 145.370 MHz with a pl of 110.9
West Stark Info Net - Held every Friday evening on the W8NP Repeater 147.180 MHz with a pl of 110.9 except the first Friday of the month which is club meeting night for the Massillon Amateur Radio Club.
Massillon 80 Meter CW Net - Held Sundays evenings at 8:00 pm on 3.5995 MHz
If you are outside the range of our MARC repeater you can listen to our signal on Broadcastify. To access the feed from the Club repeaters press HERE.