Don Rankl, our MARC President

Sometimes in life opportunities come along that no one could ever have imagined. Such is the case with this major change in our direction for the future of MARC. Earlier this calendar year, we were approached by the administration of St. Paul’s Church in Massillon, with the idea of considering a move to their facilities. We had not really, seriously been considering such a move, as there always seemed to be many reasons or roadblocks along the way to staying put. We were still open to the idea of what our future might be like if we did make such a major change.


There was significant discussion and input from all sides. Members brought up many good questions and concerns about everything you could imagine. There were planning sessions and meetings with church officials, club members, officers & trustees. All of the options were weighed and the hard issues were tackled. Fast-forward to present day. After a unanimous vote by the membership, and we’ve just concluded a full-scale move to our new home.


On Saturday, July 27th 2024, members met at Chloe’s for breakfast. It was followed by a rendezvous at the Senior Center to begin a somewhat large-scale plan of attack. Starting at 8:00 am sharp and concluding just before 3:00 pm we had said our final goodbyes to the only home that most present members can remember. With trucks & trailers, equipment & muscles every item was removed and transported via the short journey to 127 Cherry Rd. NE (St. Paul’s Church). The response from all of the volunteers that assisted with the move was overwhelming!


We are deeply humbled to have received this opportunity. But even more so for all of the support from all of our MARC Family as well as the administration, staff and members of St. Paul’s Church. This wasn’t and never will be a perfect situation in every way. We will work hard to be good stewards of what we have been given and will do everything in our power to share this opportunity with our members, our communities, and he City of Massillon... which MARC serves!


We have celebrated well over 3 decades of calling the Massillon Senior Center our home away from home. Many fond memories were made along the way. Much good has happened in so many ways. The stories will remain forever. It has been, and will always remain a vital part of the history of MARC.


The MARC organization is as excited as we can be for all of the future potential that we have at our disposal! Let’s get ready to write a new chapter full of good stories, fond memories, and the charge and responsibility of enhancing both our personal as well as the organizational growth of amateur radio!


Don Rankl