Don’t Be Pushy
It seems that organizations small or large are always pushing something. Pushing for volunteers, pushing for money, pushing for notoriety, pushing for membership – you name it, we’ve all been a part of such situations.
Amateur radio, and particularly radio clubs, are not immune to this model’s sometimes vicious cycle.
To steal a tagline from the acclaimed Farmers Insurance Company, “We know a thing or two, because we’ve seen a thing or two.” We know if we PUSH people to do anything, the results may come, but sometimes at the steep price of losing good people. It can be easy to call on the same committed individuals, leading them to the breaking point of being burned-out or disenchanted with the organization.
MARC’s vision doesn’t include pushing anyone to do anything. In fact, we’ve witnessed exactly the opposite.
Each and every one of you in your own way, have created a PULL that is bringing people out of the woodwork. Brand new folks and longtime members are coming forth, WANTING to be a part of this groundswell of enthusiasm and opportunity happening at MARC!
That’s it. No strings attached. You are welcome at MARC in any capacity you chose. Membership not required. We are delighted to have you around.
As we’re “pushing” almost one hundred years as an organization, we hope you find some way that you can enjoy the journey. The best is yet to come!
Don Rankl – N8IVJ