A great hamfest at MAPS! Photos by Joe Albert/Canton, OH

Sunday, 10/27/24, the Massillon Amateur Radio Club (MARC) will return to MAPS (Military Air Preservation Society hangar) in Green Ohio. Another great hamfest is on its way!


Heard last year...

"Hi guys, just wanted to let you know what a great time I had at your hamfest yesterday. About six of us from the Pittsburgh area made the trip. This was my first time being there and I was very impressed with the venue and the hospitality that your club showed during the hamfest. I was very surprised at the number of people in attendance along with the number of sellers."

-Curt McCormick, WU3U


These professional photos of last year's event were taken by Canton's world-class photographer Joe Albert. 

Please enjoy a video made of the event HERE


Flying Tiger is back with us as mascot of this year's show, and 2024 gear is now officially available. Tee Shirts, Hoodies, Tumblers and Coffee Cups with this year's Hamfest Mascot, "Flying Tiger," are available. You can visit: 



All sales are directly with our vendor, and the prices you pay for MARC Hamfest gear do NOT include a fundraiser fee for the club. We did this to keep prices low and quality high. Your gear is shipped directly to you from our vendor for speedy delivery.